Conspiracies Confirmed

One of my absolute favorite little unimportant conspiracy theories of the last few years was that the Trump animatronic in the Disney World Hall of Presidents was actually a Clinton animatronic that was reworked at the last second.

It was certainly a weird-looking robot, below the usual standard Disney Imagineering holds themselves to. And you could see how they might have been so confident in how the election would go that they got a jump on the new robot, only to realize they had it wrong, and then maybe weren’t too inspired to do it well the second time? And then, when they rolled out the Biden robot, the new background-player Trump looked much more accurate. So, maybe? It was one of those persistant rumors since early 2017. Over the years, it sorta faded away, one of the those strange Disney urban legends.

And then Alex Goldman goes and gets is more or less confirmed in My Favorite Conspiracy Theory Confirmed.

(Turns out, this was a lot of people’s favorite conspiracy theory.


The OmniRumor, 10 years on


Correct, Orcas are not our friends