Doctor Who and the Francise Tag… Of Death

Ahhh, I see the BBC has rolled out their Franchise Tag for “The Whoniverse”. I guess every big franchise needs some kind og meta branding at the start now; but I’m deeply amused that Doctor Who just sidled up to the Marvel Studios and said “that’s nice, we’ll have one of those, then.” Of course, this is extremely in keeping with the show’s whole ethos of rummaging around the rest of genre fiction pocketing anything that looked fun.

So, sure, we’ve got an animated logo for “The Whoniverse”.

But why on earth did they write new music? Or repurpose some old bit of Murray Gold music I can’t place? Doctor Who has maybe the most recognizable theme song in existence, and they just… didn’t use it?

(If possible, this is even dumber than the Disney+ Star Wars not using the 20th Century Fox Fanfare. Or, you know, the STAR WARS THEME.)

What should they have used? Look, that whoniverse tag should have been scored to the opening sting from Ambassadors of Death. That would have been amazing.


What the heck happened to Boing Boing?


The last “new” “Beatles” song